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ART NO: AF 8015 EN Compliance : EN 388:2016, 2122X CERTIFIED ACCORDING To EU 2016/425 TPR protector cut resistant driver gloves, 0,7mm to 1,0mm, black goatskin leather of top quality, Thermo-Plastic Rubber Protectors (TPRP), Aramid stitching , keystone thumb, elasticated 180o shirred wrist, rubber color cotton fabric pippin on edges.
ART NO: AF 8005 EN Compliance : EN 388:2016, 2122X CERTIFIED ACCORDING To EU 2016/425 TPR protector cut resistant driver gloves, 0,7mm to 1,0mm, selected grain cowhide leather of top quality, Thermo-Plastic Rubber Protectors (TPRP), Aramid stitching, shirred elastic back, keystone thumb, fourchette finger style, elasticated 180o shirred wrist.
ART NO: AF 8007 EN Compliance : EN 388:2016, 2122X CERTIFIED ACCORDING To EU 2016/425 TPR protector cut resistant driver gloves, 0,8mm to 1,0mm, four-way fabric with synthetic (Amara) leather of top quality on palm, green reflective fabric + Thermo-Plastic Rubber Protectors (TPRP), Aramid stitching, shirred elastic back, wing thumb, elasticated 180o shirred wrist. black cotton fabric pippin on edges.
ART NO: AF 8013 EN Compliance : EN 388:2016, 2122X CERTIFIED ACCORDING To EU 2016/425 TPR protector cut resistant driver gloves, 0,7mm to 1,0mm, goatskin leather of top quality, air mach on back, Thermo-Plastic Rubber Protectors (TPRP), Aramid stitching , shirred elastic back, wing thumb, elasticated 180o shirred wrist, rubber elastic cuff with color cotton fabric pippin on edges.
ART NO: AF 8012 EN Compliance : EN 388:2016, 2122X CERTIFIED ACCORDING To EU 2016/425 TPR protector cut resistant driver gloves, 0,7mm to 1,0mm, goatskin leather of top quality, touch leather on tips, cow split leather patch on as a double palm, Thermo-Plastic Rubber Protectors (TPRP), Aramid stitching , shirred elastic back, keystone thumb, elasticated 180o shirred wrist, color cotton fabric pippin on edges.
ART NO: AF 8008 EN Compliance : EN 388:2016, 2122X CERTIFIED ACCORDING To EU 2016/425 TPR protector cut resistant driver gloves, 0,7mm to 1,0mm, four-way fabric with synthetic (Amara) leather of top quality on palm, color reflective fabric + Thermo-Plastic Rubber Protectors (TPRP), Aramid stitching, shirred elastic back, wing thumb, elasticated 180o shirred wrist. black cotton fabric pippin on edges.
ART NO: AF 8006 EN Compliance : EN 388:2016, 2122X CERTIFIED ACCORDING To EU 2016/425 TPR protector cut resistant driver gloves, 0,8mm to 1,0mm, selected grain cowhide leather of top quality, Thermo-Plastic Rubber Protectors (TPRP), Aramid stitching, shirred elastic back, keystone thumb, elasticated 180o shirred wrist.
ART NO: AF 8014 EN Compliance : EN 388:2016, 2122X CERTIFIED ACCORDING To EU 2016/425 TPR protector cut resistant driver gloves, 0,7mm to 1,0mm, synthetic (Amara) leather of top quality, Thermo-Plastic Rubber Protectors (TPRP), Aramid stitching , wing thumb, elasticated 180o shirred wrist, rubber elastic cuff with color cotton fabric pippin on edges.
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